“Some people strive for recognition, but I’d suggest we are called to make an impact.” – Michael Quinn Sullivan

2024 was a tough but steady year for IT Operations at Pinnacle Group. We have had many achievements this year. One in particular and most notable was our work to obtain ISO 27001 certification by NSF. As an international company, ISO 27001 is often asked for as it’s mark delivers a credibility that is synonymous and trusted with the ISO brand.
I cannot say I did this alone. It took a tribe of people who also embrace a four-letter word I wish we would all hear more of: CARE. It was Kris Mendoza, who leads the ITO Security Team. It was Sonny Mendoza, who leads the ITO Infrastructure Team, and yes is also Kris’ father. Both Navy veterans and both have a passion for technology. It was Tiffany Newsom, who leads the ITO Support Team. It was Rajani Hyoju who leads the GRC team and project managed this work. Lucio Rosa who was an intern then but now hired on working with Rajnai when we launched GRC last year.
It also took the collaborative work of Alexis Kennedy and Greg Poynton, with our 27001 preparatory auditor partner Weaver. Stellar people. Incredible help.
And last, and most importantly, it took Pinnacle Group’s senior leadership support. We listened to our clients, we saw opportunity, and when I got the green light, we kicked off the change management work tuning the organization’s cybersecurity policy and posture. It took us about one and a half years to complete.
Pinnacle Group held our annual award ceremony on Thursday, January 23, where I was privileged to be awarded the Impact Award. As I said that evening, the award is in my name, but it was truly a team effort to bring this across the finish line. It’s amazing what your able to do with real momentum and encouragement all along the way.
// JMM