“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
It’s not very often you run into exceptional leaders who believe in what you believe, who care at the same level you too care, and execute at the same level and often better than you. I’ve been in this business for a long time and meeting Robert Britten was one of the high points of my career.
He took the reigns at Santander Consumer USA from another colleague of mine, Shaun Hendricks. The team he took on was troubled and when he got going, I admit I was skeptical. Robert is unassuming, humble, and eloquent. Something is wrong with this guy… After working with him for a couple of months, boy was I wrong. After six months, I knew I had a partnership that I would come to trust and rely on in both my professional and personal faith life.
Robert is a titan leader and I am proud to announce he has accepted the position of Director, Technical Services at Lanvera. Rob is going to head up a operations team which has responsibilities across multiple disciplines: application support, database support, and production services support. His team is central to service delivery, connecting infrastructure, development, and client services teams.
\\ JMM